Café com Brasil – the road to COP 30

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Brazil is set to host the 30th edition of the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in just two years’ time, marking a crucial moment for nature and climate action. Home to 60% of the largest tropical forest on the planet and nearly 20% of the world's biological diversity, Brazil stands out as a decisive actor in achieving global targets such as the Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement.
This session will invite representatives of critical sectors of climate action in Brazil to understand better the desired outcomes, priority agendas and ideas for collaboration in creating a shared vision for the delivery of COP 30 and achieving meaningful action on nature by 2030 –
over a cup of cafézinho.

This event will be livestreamed on (Portuguese only)Nature4Climate - YouTube



  • Mauro O’ de Almeida, Secretary of State for Environment and Sustainability, Government of Pará
  • Cristiane Pankararu, Indigenous leader from the Pankararu people, co-founder of the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality (ANMIGA), member of Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), the National Council on Indigenous Policy (CNPI) and Chamber of Guardians
  • Maria Netto, Executive Director, Instituto Clima e Sociedade
  • José Pugas, Head of Responsible Investment and Engagement at JGP Asset Management.
  • José Otávio Passos, Amazon director, The Nature Conservancy Brazil
  • Moderator: Natalie Untersell, President, Talanoa Institute 
20th, September 2023 from 07:30 to 08:45
Park Hub
Convene 101 Park Avenue
New York,
United States